Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Bearer of Bad News

Welcome back! This is a drawing of the talent show judge. He has a megaphone, and he is crushing Marty's dreams with it. He is telling Marty that his band the Pinheads are too darn loud. The judge is Huey Lewis! Huey Lewis is in no position to be judging music. Here are some ways in which Huey Lewis could benefit from a time machine:

1. Wake up every morning and travel back to September 4, 1983 when he was the most popular man in the world
2. Go back to when Ray Parker Jr. was writing the 'Ghost Busters' theme, play 'I want a new drug' and say "I am onto you!"
3. Get in on the ground floor of the whole rap thing.
4. Travel back to 1973 so he doesn't have to constantly hear, "Weren't you Huey Lewis?" all the time.

Huey Lewis, we are not friends anymore.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Positive points for the megaphone that looks like a mushroom bong.

Negative points for the unnecessary Huey bashing. Have you seen my Duets blog?
