Friday, September 5, 2008

Forgivonuss Please.

This drawing is multi-leveled! I mean Marty is down some stairs. I don't mean that the drawing is deep with meaning. However if your picking up some hidden depth, please let me know about it.

Is setting the carpet on fire when he was eight really the one sin the that Marty wants to be obsolved of? He never did anything worse than that? Things like that don't even count when you are eight! Accidents happen. Am I right? He should have brought up something that happened in his teenage years. "If your youngest child ever gets four tardies in a row, go easy on him" or better yet he could have planned some future mishap to get forgiven for once he gets back to 1985! "If your youngest son ever gets into a brawl at a pool hall when he's 17, go easy on him."

Why is George wearing a giant collared shirt like a 19th century Dutch school boy? Oh yeah, I can't draw! Did you know they made a sequel to BTTF? That's what people in the industry call a teaser.

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