Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Doc Around The Clock!!!

Oh my! This might be the most dramatic scene in the whole movie! Doc is barely hanging onto the clock while trying to reconnect the power chords, so the time machine will have the 1.21 gigawatts it needs to work! It seems like an impossible task. Will he reconnect them before time runs out? Get it? Time running out. Hanging from a clock. (That's symbolism Homes!) It's all dependent on time. Plus, the time travel aspect. Whoa. Everything is intertwined. The guys who wrote this were pretty bright!

What's up with those creepy looking gargoyles! They're scary looking. I am going to have nightmares tonight!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I've been waiting for this one. You've really captured the suspense of this climactic moment. I can really see the tension in Doc's malformed fists.

Einstein said...

thanks, i am glad you like the malformed hand! The motivation behind that is simple- I can't draw hands. This point will be on further display tomorrow!