Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time Flies when your not on film

Hi people! This is an attempt at an action drawing. I think it is awesome! Doc is sliding down the wire so that he can reconnect it at the bottom. But he better hurry because here comes the delorean! Is it just me or does Doc Brown not really age all that much between 1955 and 1985? He looks almost exactly the same. In fact when I draw the two Docs, I don't make any major changes. And it doesn't seem like his life or lifestyle changes at all in those thirty years either. Its as if as soon as Marty leaves to go back to 1985, Doc goes into hibernation or something! The passing of time confuses me.


Chris said...

This particular drawing leaves me disoriented.

Nola said...

this one made me LOL. for real, i was LOLing here at work. And i NEVER use the term LOL.