Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mom! Stop looking at my junk!

UH OH! Marty's(Calvin)teenage mom is ogling his tightie-purplies! How embarrassing. Purple underwear. Purple underwear! What teenage boy in 1985 or 1955 wears purple underwear? In 1985 I was 6. I wore superman underoos. I wasn't alive in 1955. But if I were I'd probably have worn some sort of rough flannel or burlap type underwear. Ouch! At least that's my understanding of unmentionables in the 50's.

Incidentally, have you ever seen a door in the absolute corner of a room? Or a bed in the middle of the room? My bad. See you in the future!


Nola said...

the room is fine. and this is one of my favorite scenes! my other favorite scene is "Get your damn hands off her!" Have you done that one yet?

Anonymous said...

Actually Yes to both the door in the corner of the room, and a bed in the middle, though it is against the wall. That's actually how my bedroom is =)

Keep up the drawing's Mr. H

Alumni T