Monday, July 14, 2008

Anger Management

Watch out! Those Libyans are about to shoot Doc! This is bad. But why does Marty yell and then jump out in front of them afterwards? That doesn't make sense. It seems like he has a death wish or something. That Marty sure has anger issues! I think they hint on that later in the trilogy. In fact at one point he gets so angry that he grows long shaggy hair all over his body and then plays basketball like Charles Barkley or something! Oops. That's teen wolf. I get all of those MJF movies confused. MJF means Micheal J Fox. MJF is what the kids call him.

Hey, guess what? It's contest time! The first person to tell me which famous spanish painting inspired todays drawing will win some sort of prize! Who likes prizes?


erichop said...

Jessica said...

man, eric -- you couldn't make it easy for us and link to it?

Einstein said...

I don't know if it counts if you went to art school. Okay you win. What size Bowler hat do you wear?