Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The farmer from hell

Look Out! A hill billy farmer is shooting a shotgun at Marty! He is also calling him a mutated son of a ------. Marty is not a mutated space alien! He is a human time traveler. Talk about a hostile reception. I thought the 1950's were a simpler time. I guess this guy didn't get the memo. Maybe he is from the jerky future also. I thought farmers only got cross with you when you took advantage of their daughters.

I don't think I would like being a farmer. It seems like hard work. But then again, so is being a Back To The Future blog guy. I think I would like to be a Macgyver.

1 comment:

ricksterb said...

Based on your drawings, I'd say that BTTF has one of the most complex and convoluted plots in movie history. It seems like this movie is similar to a good album that you have to listen to multiple times with your headphones on to really digest.