Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Liquid Motivation

Way to order your beverages aggressively George! You tell that man what you want and tell him you want it now. Way to be assertive! Now go tell that girl you are taking her to the enchantment under the sea dance. Don't ask her, tell her!

Is chocolate milk some sort of George energy elixir? Like spinach for Popeye? Or bananas for banana-man? Or anger for the Hulk? Or poison spiders for spider man? Or ladies for Wilmer Valderamma?

I drew lines next to the chocolate milk to indicate movement. Did you catch that.

If the customers are this rude, maybe the soda jerk has a right to be a jerk!


Anonymous said...

Is George going to pay for his milk with a vampire bat? I didn't know that was accepted currency back then.

Einstein said...

That's not a vampire bat! That is that little black notebook that George is always carrying around! Vampire bat, ha.