Monday, August 18, 2008

The Car is Behind Here.

So, here we are. The time machine has stopped running as soon as Marty arrives in 1955. I think it's just a little tuckered out. It probably needs a nap after a long trip. Marty, still coming to grips with the fact that he is stuck in the past decides to hide the Delorean behind a billboard. I guess that's a good hiding place. Nobody will see it there. Unless they're coming in the opposite direction! Time for plan B. You better cover it up with some shrubs Marty! Good job. I can think of at least three better hiding places. But I am not going to tell you what they are. I don't want you finding my secret stash of E L Fudge cookies. Boy, those little elves can make a mean snack food product!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Love the EL Fudges! What's the EL stand for anyway?