Thursday, August 7, 2008

Deconstructing Marty

Yeah I know, this scene takes place in a car. I know. It's just that every time I draw people sitting in a car it looks like two blobs sitting inside of a blob. So, just pretend they are in a car. Or not, I don't really care what you think.

Sometimes I draw a picture and know exactly what I am going to say about it. Other times I draw a picture and have know idea what I am going to say. This is one of those times. I had to really look at the picture in depth to figure out what I was going to say. And then it hit me, I just drew Marty as Woody Allen. Put some glasses on Marty and it's a dead ringer. So that got me thinking, how awesome would it be if Woody Allen played Marty? I think that would up the BTTF amazing factor by X25. So with out further delay, Woody Allen as Marty McFly.

"Jeez, my mother wants to have sexual relations with me, talk about a reverse Oedipus complex. Oh, and what's this, you smoke too? Jeez, do you know how bad that is for you? Let alone what it does to an unborn baby in utero? If you keep this up I am going to come out of the womb near sighted with all sorts of psychological disorders. Jeez, I am never going to grow to be taller than five feet tall. I am only going to be attractive to fifteen year Vietnamese girls with daddy issues. Oh boy, I need to talk to my analyst. Why is my hand disappearing? Oh, man, now I am hallucinating."

End Scene.


Jessica said...

wow. you're so right.

Nick said...

I wish BTTF and Teen Wolf were combined movies - like Marty goes back to the 50s to do whatever it was he was doing but all of a sudden he's a werewolf too!!!

Oh man, I would so make that movie - I'd cast Woody Allen as Marty's dad though because Crispin Glover is such a creepy guy, and leave MJF as he is cause no other actor in the world can do a time-traveling teenage werewolf.