Monday, August 25, 2008

A Portrait of Doc Brown

Good morning! Wow, Doc is watching a tape of himself in the future! Isn't watching your future-self on video against the time space continuum by-laws? Doc is awfully curious about the future, for a guy who claims not to be! If I ever get a hold of a video of future-me I don't think I would want to watch it. It would just be too weird!

I didn't know TVs in the 1950's came equipped with the proper hook ups for 1980's JVC camcorders. That doesn't seem right. Maybe Doc just invented an input jack for his TV. What a great inventor. Now he needs to invent a mirror to keep track of that hair!


Pabst lover said...

I'd like to think that if you saw future Todd he'd be
just like future Marty McFly with Flea as your boss and an aversion to being called yellow.

erichop said...

would future todd's beard fill out a any better?

Einstein said...

would future Eric's attitude be less sucky?