Thursday, August 28, 2008

Flame Retardant in a Can.

10:45 a.m. time to blog about Back To The Future.

Uh oh, that model car is on fire and about to crash into a box of old rags! This could be disastrous. Good thing Doc Brown is wearing safety goggles and has a 1950's era fire extinguisher. I don't understand why people keep boxes of old rags laying around. Is it for washing your car or stove or something? Haven't people ever heard of a the miracle shammy? The infomercial used to be on all the time.

I think Doc Brown would be a great infomercial guy! Whatever he's selling, I am buying. He'd be much better than that Ron Popeil Jerk.

Why does Doc's hair look like a fish in this drawing? Okay, bye.

10:55 a.m. Leave comments on

10.58 a.m. eat some chex mix.

1 comment:

erichop said...

Yeah! This is the one I have been waiting for!

Now draw the scene when Marty's softball team has a complete meltdown on the field and gives up 13 runs in 1 inning.