Monday, August 11, 2008

Dial 0 for 00ps!

Is it acceptable to rip a page out of a public phone book? I've always been under the impression that it is, and I think this scene is the reason I thought this. I think I saw this movie as a child, and subconsciously told myself 'Destroying a public phone book is okay.' I've actually done this two or three times in my life. Once in middle school when I saw a name that I thought was funny and wanted to show my friends. I don't remember the name now, it probably was something like Kevin Pooply or Brian Fartstorm or something. I wish I still had that page out of the phone book! The other time I remember destroying a phone book I was on a family vacation in London and I ripped out a page from the front of the book that had the subway map on it. I thought it would be cool to have.

But the more I think about it, I don't think tearing out pages from a phone book is socially acceptable. What if somebody really needs Brian Fartstorm's number and that page is missing from the book? What if that casuses them to miss an important bussiness lunch with Mr. Fartstorm? Besides it's also destruction of property! I feel so ashamed. I am going to overpay my phone bill by like ten cents this month. Would that be proper reparations Bell Atlantic? Are we squared away now?

I wonder what else I internalized as a child that is way off what is acceptable? I wonder if people can actually hear me when I say 'Time-Out' and start talking to an imaginary camera. Zach Morris, you've made a fool out of me.

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